A game about a girl that enjoys a moon. This games is based in my webcomic that is a silent comic.

Thanks to Impergatox to do background for me! :)

Backgrounds: Impergatox / Game design: Tarciano.JR / Music: Tarciano.JR

Comic Link : https://fliptru.com.br/comic/fascinada-pela-lua-xdq6?origin=comic-index-list

Press start 2x to begin a game.


Move - D-pad


1-Enjoying Moon.gb 128 kB


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I don't understand the point of the game. The level just loops and there isn't any form of interaction. If it's ment to be a movement test/atmospheric adventure however, it feels oddly relaxing somehow???

This game don't has point of the game, I did this game to fun. I created this game to game be relaxing.